Monday, October 12, 2009

[The FABULOUS] Ms. Amber!

For those of you that have taken a quick peek-see at my blog, you’ve found that I’m a relative newbie … an infant in the art of blogulism … err, blogocity … blogging!  (See what I mean?)   Because I’m new at this skill, I have to ask – what are the rules on blogging what someone else blogged if it’s a blog about you?  Got that? 

Recently, [The FABULOUS] Ms. Amber of Amber Events asked me a few questions about myself and my views on the biz o’ weddings.  So, to reblog or not or reblog?   I throw caution to the wind people … here is A Videographer’s Perspective.

P.S.  Why do I describe Amber as FABULOUS? 

Because ...

A)   She is.

B)   That’s what she creates – fabulosity.

C)   That’s how you’ll end up feeling once you’ve worked with her.

D)   All of the above. 

Well, D) All of the above, of course.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulosity was once the name of a Scattergories team I was on. We totally won, by the way.

